
Showing posts from May, 2022

Janelle and Ron at the Beach

 Janelle moved her slender, toned body in the boxing ring like a lioness. The loose pony tail of black hair she wore when fighting at the Amazonia Boxing Club radiated determination and sex. Her vital, hazel-colored eyes stabbed Ron every time he watched Janelle working out in the Amazonia's main gym, leaving him wanting to fight and fuck her, in that order. Neither happened until July at the Club's members only week long vacation in Harvey Cedars, N.J. Mixed matches - bare knuckled, KO endings only - were traditionally held on Wednesday afternoons. Janelle had a nearly perfect record in bouts with men. Only one guy laid Janelle out, Jon Amur, in a match Ron witnessed. In the third round, Amur pinned Janelle in a corner and hammered head shots and body blows non-stop until finishing with an upper cut. Janelle never saw the orange with black stripes boxing glove fly up from Amur's waist, but she did see a fireworks display spiral her into utter sleep. Sex with Amur left Jane