Janelle and Ron at the Beach

 Janelle moved her slender, toned body in the boxing ring like a lioness. The loose pony tail of black hair she wore when fighting at the Amazonia Boxing Club radiated determination and sex. Her vital, hazel-colored eyes stabbed Ron every time he watched Janelle working out in the Amazonia's main gym, leaving him wanting to fight and fuck her, in that order.

Neither happened until July at the Club's members only week long vacation in Harvey Cedars, N.J. Mixed matches - bare knuckled, KO endings only - were traditionally held on Wednesday afternoons. Janelle had a nearly perfect record in bouts with men. Only one guy laid Janelle out, Jon Amur, in a match Ron witnessed. In the third round, Amur pinned Janelle in a corner and hammered head shots and body blows non-stop until finishing with an upper cut. Janelle never saw the orange with black stripes boxing glove fly up from Amur's waist, but she did see a fireworks display spiral her into utter sleep.

Sex with Amur left Janelle in a condition identical to fighting him: light-headed, dizzy, groggy and then slumbering on her back. 

"How was last night?" Jon Amur asked, sure he knew the answer. He was on all fours over Janelle, who lay on her back, still bathed in the afterglow of their last copulation. Amur's hands were pressed flat into the mattress by Janelle's ears. 

Glancing at Amur's penis, she answered honestly, "I don't have the words!"

"I'd like to give you something to remember me by forever!" 

"What could that be?" Janelle purred, looking again at her lover's erection. At the edge of her vision, Amur's hand rose quickly and it's fingers stretch out in a row. Estimating how fast he'd move, Janelle caught Amur's wrist in mid descent, freezing it above them.

Amur shifted from perplexed to angry when his arm wouldn't budge in any direction. A bare foot hammered his abs, flinging Amur on the bedroom floor.

"Hey, what's wrong..!?" Amur was able to blurt before Janelle landed beside him, swung her right leg back, and hurtled it forward. The impact jerked his head away. When it lolled back, Jon Amur was out cold.

Janelle loved the body that gave her so much bliss, but cursed at Jon Amur.  There had to be someone else.

The defeated fighter was Ron's friend, Sam, the fourth challenger to go against Janelle that after noon and lose. Emma the Ref was at the end of a slow ten count, when she flashed a smile that said to Ron, "That'll be you in ten minutes, sweet heart!"

"You're out!"  Emma yelled above the cheers of the spectators, mostly women, browned by the sun.  As Janelle raised the fist that dispatched Sam to Dreamland, Ron calculated his chances with the amazon.

"I think Ron that you're actually going to be a threat..."

Janelle flirted with a friendly, light tone that Ron found appealing.

"I might knock you out?" he asked.

"No chance. I'm putting you out, but I'll make sure it doesn't smart too much!"

They had been tagging each other since Emma ordered "FIGHT!" minutes earlier and both had a warm pleasure from hitting each other, especially Ron who enjoyed dispensing body shots. Janelle glided on the sand, ignoring the pain when Ron connected. 

When the battle intensified, more women joined the spectators to cheer Janelle and watch Ron get knocked out. The male fighter was becoming confused and lost track of the loud voices filling the air around him. Janelle hit harder, immobilizing Ron with pain. Standing flat-footed, Ron absorbed three precise, ferocious punches. The first two battered his midsection and the final was a shot to the chin.

Ron's head was empty of sensation and he swayed loosely like a banner on a windy day. He saw Emma waving Janelle back, but she resisted the ref's hands. Ron's body relaxed, tipping foward. In his deep sleep, he never felt the unyielding sand when he crashed.

They were exhausted and content from loving making and enjoyed the warm night breeze and moonlight that filled Janelle's bedroom. Ron's head rested on Janelle's bare shoulder, with one arm across her belly, fingers worshipfully stroking her pubic hair and labia. Between brief, whispered exchanges, Ron kissed her neck.

Janelle had watched her new lover carried away after knocking him out cold. The three challengers that followed were rapidly knocked out and Janelle raced to the recovery tent, where Ron was already conscious and nursing a bruised jaw. She stayed until he was able to move on his own. 

After the cookout dinner, all the vacationers sat around a large bonfire, talking and drinking beer, until Janelle clutched Ron's arm, asking if he wanted to go upstairs.

"You know what to do with those fists, Janelle," said Ron.

"Well, you know what to do with that dick!"

"Taking the knockout was worth it!" Ron added. 

"Did it hurt much?" pursued Janelle.

"For a few seconds and then I was gone. My jaw hurt when I came around."

"But I had the right medicine for you..." 

"Hell, yes!" Ron affirmed. "Do you love me?"

Janelle was startled  by the question, but happiness welled in her suddenly. "More and more, yes!"

"Great! Because I want a rematch!"

"What? Why?" Janelle demanded.

Ron tenderly kissed Janelle. "I liked it! You know, contact with your body, hitting and hitting back! It  

made me feel so high!"

She had enjoyed beating up Ron, also, but wouldn't admit to it, in any case.

"I beat you up and knocked you out!" Janelle reasoned. "The women watching laughed at you, said Mr. 

Big Dick enjoyed it!"

She waited for Ron to back off his challenge, half afraid he would. He only smiled. 

"You had a massive hard-on...just laying there in the sand...everyone saw how turned on you were!"

 "That's a problem, Janelle?" Ron asked, starting to nibble her ear. Janelle felt warm without wanting to.

She was certain it was love she felt for the man a few feet in front of her. The jumble of emotions  Janelle experienced as dawn rose over their secluded section of the beach resembled enough what she had for Riley, a previous lover, to get her through the next five minutes.

Ron swung nimbly at Janelle, missing most of the time, which never discouraged him. Both fighters were becoming very excited. 

Feinting to the left, Janelle moved her right fist to strike Ron, but fired the left directly into his midsection. Sharp pain made Ron spit out a groan. He immediately caught a follow through upper cut to his jaw, detonating a geyser of colored lights and stars. Ron was falling asleep and he landed on the sand, face up. Watching the peaceful body at her feet, Janelle noticed Ron was in the same position as he was on her bed when they finished their love making.

Janelle realized she had punched Ron out the same way she had Jeff, the father of her nine year old son, at the end of their marriage and Riley at the start of their relationship. As in those previous victories, Janelle knew this was true love.


  1. I'm in love with a character Janelle she is just so tough and very sexy this was an incredible story I thoroughly enjoyed it


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