The House of Shared Pleasure


Two vixen emerged from the forest and trotted through the back yard of the residence known as The House of Shared Pleasure. The kitsune gathered twigs and branches from the ground, placed them ceremoniously between their ears and bowed ten times to the full moon.

A bright, but soundless explosion filled the yard and the vixen became two magnificent women. Clad in long red and white robes, the kitsunes concealed their pointed ears and walked to the front door.

The current occupant, Jon, an English teacher, answered the knocking he heard. Momentarily, he was startled by the unearthly beauty of the two black haired women standing in the doorway. "Hello..." he managed. 

"Hello, Mr. Jon, I am Asami. This is my friend, Aimi."

The second kitsune nodded politely to Jon, who invited them in. Half empty boxes were strewn around the living room which, like the rest of the old house, was furnished when Jon moved in a week earlier. Jon apologized for the disorder.

"Do you ladies live in the neighborhood?" asked Jon, returning from the kitchen with tea and cups. 

"In a way." Aimi explained. "Do you live here alone, Mr. Jon?"

"Yes, I do." he answered. "How did you find out my name?"

"We heard this ancient house had been rented and we wanted to meet the new occupant. Didn't we, Aimi?"

"Of course. Smart men are always attractive."

Jon was happily surprised to hear Aimi's assertion, but testosterone and instinct told him to play along.

"My friend," Asami interupted. "Is more forward than she should be. I apologize."

Jon laughed. "I don't mind that."

"Really?' Aimi asked, excited.


Aimi and Asami nodded to each other and stood up. Jon followed. Aimi embraced Jon in a long kiss. After a moment of confusion, Jon fell into the kiss. Aimi stepped away and slugged Jon on the chin. 

The male staggered a few steps, his head jerked back to the ceiling, mouth gapping open. Tipping sideways, Jon landed in Asami's arms, out cold.

"Well?" Asami asked her partner.

"I like him! He's handsome and nice!"

The kitsune carried Jon into the bedroom and carefully placed him on the bed. Asami slipped her right hand gently down the front of Jon's blue jeans and smiled.

"Iwa!" she told Aimi. 

Jon was shocked and, in his heart, pleased, to see Asami and Aimi at his door the following night. They asked with giddy politeness if they could visit again.

"Why did you hit me?" he asked Aimi after letting the kitsune enter his home.

"We are Kitsune." Aimi explained, gently pressing against Jon. "Do you know what Kitsune are?'

"Yes, they're mythological shape shifters," Jon said, his eyes looking deeply into Aimi's. "Women who can turn into foxes and back again. But that's just folk.."

Aimi brushed her lips against Jon's face and he noticed that she and Asami's features were appealingly volpine. Jon extended a hand to feel the girl's ass. He stopped short when he clasped a furry tail and jumped backward, bewildered. 

"You have a tail!"

"Of course!" Asami responded. Bushy red and white tails appeared between the women's legs, twitching back and forth.

Asami took her turn embracing the human male. "Kitsune are tricksters and we play rough sometimes with the men...we like. Do you like us, Jon?"

"I...ah...yes!" Jon blurted.

"Good!" Asami kissed Jon. "Aimi and I are looking for a mate and we hope it will be you. Do you like that idea?"

"Yes!" he gasped.

The kitsune took Jon by the hands and guided him into the bedroom, where they shed their robes. Jon took Asami first and then Aimi in his arms, kissing them as their tails flicked excitedly on his legs. Asami followed Jon and Aimi onto the bed.

While Jon fucked one kitsune, the other caressed his body, whispering endearments in human and fox languages. While both kitsune loved penetration by the human, Asami wanted to hear Jon's voice when they climaxed, while Aimi demanded silence from her lover as she called out "I will have a baby...I will have a baby!!"

John called in sick the next morning to the school where he taught English.

Asami's head rested on Jon's bare chest, with her bare back cradled in his arm. Aimi slept with her face on Jon's thighs, concealed by a blanket.
"Father? How do you know I'd be a good father?" 
"We've been watching you since you moved into the House of Shared Pleasure, the home of out kitsune clan for centuries. We agreed you are a good and honest man...and that you like girls who play rough."
Jon admitted that he wasn't angry when he woke from Aimi's knockout punch. "I was excited to see you two again," he admitted.
"But aren't you worried I might hurt you two?' he continued.
Asami laughed as if she knew Jon wasn't serious. "You're not like that, it's obvious. And anyway, we're much stronger than you are."
"Don't be so sure." Jon insisted.
"Oh, we're sure," replied Asami. "Right, Aimi?"
The other kitsune's head come out from under the covers. "I'm sure, too!"
Jon glanced down at Aimi's smiling face.
He never saw Aimi's clinched fist shoot out and hammer his chin. Stars went everywhere and sleep washed over him. Asami caught Jon and settled his head on the pillows.
"I love this human completely now," Asami stated. "He has a big smile on his face after getting hit."

"I hope my love tap didn't hurt much," Aimi said to Jon on their third visit. Both kitsune could see deep arousal in the human's eyes. "But I did want to hurt you a little bit."
"You did!" Jon's face was still tender where Aimi's knuckles had impacted. The tails of both kitsune were brushing on Jon's crotch. 
"But please be our mate?" Asami implored. 
"I will!" replied Jon, suddenly the happiest he had ever been in his life.
"And fore sake women of your own kind and lay only with us?"
They kissed their new lover one more time.
Asami pulled back her right fist behind her back. Aimi did the same with her left. The punches landed flush on Jon's chin, sending him into ecstatic darkness. The kitsune carried their groom into the bedroom.

A week later Jon, Asami and Aimi were married by the local kitsune high priest. Neighbors gossiped  about the new domestic arrangements at the House of Shared Pleasure, but not for long. The residence had a long erotic history.
About a year later Asami and then Aimi pushed infants in strollers. The children, a boy and a girl, were beautiful despite or maybe because of their vaguely pointed faces. Occasionally, Jon had a black eye, which explained by saying "I am a married man now!" 



  1. That was an extremely interesting story. I really enjoyed it. In the beginning I wasn't sure what to make of is but I became a fan of the he Kitsune. I love how Jon was quickly knocked out by the two women. This was both quick and efficient. Well done story.👍👍👍


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