The Cougar and the Cougler


Before their match even started, Henry daydreamed about fucking Donna. A similar thought, "Fuck me boy till scream stop!" rolled in the female boxer's mind.

Both fighters wanted knock each other out.

Henry had it bad for older women since he was nineteen, when he was seduced by his mother's best friend, Frieda. Without hesitation Henry accepted the challenge from Donna to a KOs only finish, private match at the Amazonia Boxing Club. The physical intimacy he had with Laura Frazier, a divorced forty-seven year old, and Laura's daughter, Samantha, was important to him. It was very important to the two women. 
"Donna is after what is ours!" Laura told Samantha. "And that bitch can't have it!"
At their insistence, mother and daughter were Henry's seconds for the bout.

Emma the Ref went over the rules with both fighters and ordered them to touch gloves.

"Ready to get KOed?" Donna taunted, with a flirtatious edge. "To be humiliated in front of those two sluts of yours?!"

Henry smiled and pictured again the older woman on her back, naked except for her boxing gloves, her mouth open.

"I'll see you at the hospital tonight!" replied Henry.

At the round one bell, Donna was first out, her usual strategy in a mixed match. Come at an asshole like Henry really hard!

"You wanna fuck boy?!" she purred at Henry. "We'll fuck right now!"

A string of punches detonated like fireworks between them. Donna played on Henry's horniness, recognizing he was a "cougler" just from the way he looked at her breasts.

"Can I knock you out now?" Donna asked, playfully. "So I can see how big that woody really is?"

Henry tagged Donna's jaw line and she submerged into darkness. When sleep evaporated, Donna found herself spread eagle, listening to Emma's ten count.

"Bastard!" moaned Donna and pulled on the ropes until she was upright. The bell clanged just as Emma called out, "She's up!"
Dazed and dizzy, Donna swayed in the direction of her corner.

"She never saw that coming!" Laura chirped, rubbing Henry's shoulders. 

"Do it to the bitch again....harder!" Samantha proclaimed, titling the water bottle to her lover's mouth. "It was such a turn on!"

Henry nodded affirmatively. As much as he craved sex with Donna, seeing her unconscious stirred him more.

Round two bell rang. The sound of leather smacking skin pervaded the ring. Henry sensed Donna was giving ground after her short nap and pressed her to the ropes to finish the match. Donna patiently blocked as many punches as possible until the opening appeared. A solid right uppercut sent the male  backward. Henry's body shut down, arms lifeless, knees buckling.

"Gooiinng ....out" trailed through Henry's mind and he was out.  


Deeply asleep, Henry relived his first encounter with Laura Frazier. They noticed each other at a party thrown in celebration of Laura's recent divorce. Henry was in love with Laura's silver dyed hair and full breasts, brazenly bulging from a white dress.

Days earlier, she overheard her daughter and a friend repeating praise of Henry's manhood. Laura had the younger man in her bedroom four hours into the celebration. As Henry was dressing to go downstairs, Laura pulled him against her, whispering "I want to see you tomorrow night! I need some more of that!"
Those hushed words swam with Henry back to consciousness.

"Hey...where's Donna? Did I win? Did they take her to the hospital?"

"No, stupid!" Samantha blurted. 

Glancing over Samantha's shoulder, Henry saw Donna and her seconds, Cathy and Mayte, laughing in their corner.

"This is over!" Henry declared, his head perfectly clear.

Round three began with the still amused Donna straightening up to receive the incoming assault. The balance of ferocity between the fighters held a few moments. A bruising punch hammered Henry's jaw as his own right swung upward against something hard. He heard a feminine moan.

Both boxers landed a few feet from each other, out cold.

Emma concealed a smirk as she slowly counted the pair out.

Henry was lightheaded when he emerged from slumber.

"Henry, can you hear me?" 

The anguished, maternal edge in Laura's voice aroused her lover back to his senses.

"Yeah...I...yeah..." he sighed.

Cathy and Mayte worked on reviving Donna. Her head lolled side to side and her glassy eyes were unresponsive until Mayte gave her a second whiff of smelling salts. Still seeing stars, Donna flashed Henry a lusty, submissive smile.

A week later, Donna and Henry fucked all night at a hotel on Route 3 in Seacaucus. 


  1. I absolutely love this story each fighter got a knockout. I liked especially how you described Henry and Donna's knockout. And I liked at the end that they both knocked each other out and they got together afterwards this was the two Hammett story that I had read I thought it was absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for helping me find the story again and I will save the two
    You know what's really funny when I went to comment it brought up my old name Loomis63 so that's really cool. You are such a talented writer I really enjoy your stories very much thank you for writing them.


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