Breaking the Spell on Karen

In her twenties, Karen moved between male and female partners regularly. Turning thirty, a switch was thrown in her brain and her relationships became long term. Karen became committed to whoever she was with for the duration. With the men she met at the Amazonia Boxing Club, romance bloomed after besting them in the ring. When Karen encountered Marc, she had already knocked out four men.

Marc was different from the previous mates. He was tallish and solidly built, with thick black hair and and brown eyes Karen was unable not to look at.

"Are we done?" Karen asked Marc, while deliberately punishing his midsection. They were mid way through round four and Marc felt himself sinking, groaning with each shot from the far stronger fighter. The upper cut left Marc's legs weak and he collapsed on the ropes.

Karen stepped back. "Okay we are done!" she declared with genuine affection. She was already finding the bruised male particularly handsome. "Concentrate on my chest, Marc sweetie!" Karen positioned Marc's head for the finishing punch. "I'm a thirty-four D!"

The dazed fighter, horny for Karen from the second he saw her, admired her tits. They were white and smooth, happily reminding him of melons. Some guys he knew liked small breasted women and Marc never understood that. The firm softness...


"Ufff!" spurted Marc, lifting into the air. Laughing aloud, Karen stepped away and Marc crashed on the canvas. He slept through Emma the Ref's count. 

 "Ten!" Emma called out as she raised Karen's gloved right hand over their heads. "Your winner by a total knockout, Karen!"

The few spectators of the match, all women, cheered and applauded the victory, a few commenting on cute Marc was out cold.

"He's going to be glad he took his KO like a man." Karen told Emma the Ref as she sat Marc upright. Karen grabbed his legs and Emma slipped her arms under his. In a unified movement, they lifted Marc.

"Your new man?" Emma asked when they exited the ring, heading for the Recovery Room. Lust and aggression had temporarily blotted out the memory of Tanya, her girlfriend.

"I guess..." Karen began and fell silent. Emma let the question go.

Two weeks went by for Marc to be ready for sex. The bruises were awhile in healing. Karen said nothing to Tanya about Marc except that he challenged her because of his mistaken belief that women with big chests were an easy mark. When Karen was alone and horny, she reran the fight with Marc in her mind while she jerked off. 

A dizzy, drunken feeling heightened in Karen every time she ran her fingers through Marc's hair. The pair had fucked all night at Marc's house and at 4 a.m., Karen guessed, she fell in love with him. Marc kissed slowly down her flat tummy to her labia, aware she was exhausted, but wanting more sex and figured all Karen needed was stimulus.

"Hey! What are you tring?!" Karen playfully asked.

"Nothing I didn't try earlier."

"Hey! Hey! We need to talk!" Karen clasped his face with her hands and brought it up to hers. Marc groaned inwardly. "I think I'm in love with you, Marc!"

"Excellent!' he answered and kissed the blonde. 

"I can't be in love with you!"

"Why the hell not?!" Marc's voice went up in register.


"Okay, you love her, also?"

"Yes. I'm committed to her."

Marc was unsettled by the frantic edge that inhabited Karen's voice. "No one said a woman can't have a girlfriend and a boyfriend."

"You don't see...I have been with Tanya for two years."

"In your case, its not cheating if its a guy."

Karen looked into Marc's eyes and gently pressed his head downward to her thighs.

Karen used every excuse possible to be with Marc, sexual desire driving her to a frenzy made worse by Tanya's trip to Europe. Karen wanted to tell him the meetings could not continue, but every time he held her in his powerful arms, Karen melted. One time Karen challenged her lover to match, hoping a harsh beating would change Marc's feelings.

Karen wanted the fight to be in public so an audience would add to Marc's humiliation. He insisted on a private ring at the Amazonia and Karen melted again. 

Marc was worked over methodically. Punches landed with a surgeon's care and precision. The grip of reality was slipping and Marc surrendered, making a show of  defense. What remained of his vision focused on Karen's eyes and breasts until there was nothing but silent blackness. He never felt the knock out punch, but was face down on the canvas. After the ten count over her senseless lover, Karen cursed Marc for losing to her.

Another week, anxious for Karen, passed before Marc made a full recovery. He noticed Karen was still enthused about being brought to orgasm, but that she talked a lot more about Tanya and had curtailed their copulations to two nights a week.

"Do you want us to stop?" Marc finally asked. They had just finished a bout of mutually satisfying intercourse. Marc's face rested on Karen's flat belly.

"Yes," she replied. "You're the best fuck from a man I've ever had, but I love Tanya!"

"And you don't love me?" he calmly finished her sentence. "Do you want me to break the spell?"

Karen gently caressed her lover's penis, which began to grow. "Yes!"

Marc slowly climbed from the bed, still unsteady from their shared orgasms. "Come here!" he ordered. Karen quickly joined Marc at the edge of the bed.

"What are you going to do?" asked Karen, bewildered. Marc said nothing, shifting Karen to the right position near the mattress. Aware that he would never embrace this beautiful naked body again, he kissed Karen long and deeply.

"Breaking the spell. This is going to hurt!"

The tight fist hammered Karen's chin. She froze stiff, mouth open from shock, but the lights were out in her brain.

"Marc...hurt...!" Karen sighed in a soft, almost girlish voice and hit the bed. Marc ran his hands lovingly on Karen's smooth thighs, pubic hair and labia and thumbed her eyelids.

Out cold, he thought, arranging sheets and blankets on his former lover.

Two weeks later, Marc spotted Karen and Tanya in a supermarket. They pressed intimately against each other as they pushed the metal cart. He felt a vague jealousy of Tanya, but was satisfied to see Karen was happy.



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