

"Heard she's a hitter, two guys told me," Marc observed to his coworker, Lance. Both men were discussing a third associate, Rayna Boksingero. All three worked in the marketing department of the Binary Biscuit Corporation in Wayne, N.J.  Marc and Lance wanted to sleep with her, but Lance felt he had an advantage: Marc was married.

And Lance didn't see this as a competition, there were plenty of women inside the workplace and out, a fact which they took advantage. Rayna having a fling with Lance would not involve adultery related guilt and retaliation. 

"Oh, yeah?" replied Lance, watching Rayna discussing company news with another woman, a few feet away. Instantly, Lance envisioned Rayna in a matching black top and tight shorts, her well developed arms adorned in blue boxing gloves. He grinned.

"Rayna better not try me. She might not like when I hit back." Lance was determined to get Rayna in bed and, like any male determined on having a particular female, he backed off.

"Good luck with Rayna, Marc!' Lance said, returning to his desk.

For the next month, Lance made a point of talking to Rayna just a little more than he did before. This allowed his friend to occupy Rayna's attention, while Lance moved in the back  ground of Rayna's subconscious.

Lance challenged his ex-girlfriend to a public match at the Amazonia Boxing Club and nearly every member was at ringside, with Rayna and Marc holding hands in the front row. Everyone knew the break-up of Lance and Cathy had been ugly. He worked Cathy over and made her sleep in the fourth round. Every time Lance painfully tagged Cathy, Rayna tightly squeezed Marc's hand. 

"And that's what happens when a woman breaks my heart!" declared Lance to the crowd, staring into Rayna's widened eyes.

I hope he gave her a black eye!, Rayna prayed as the unconscious fighter was carried by on the way to the Recovery Room.   


Rayna caught Lance in the break room after five o'clock. 

"You really put the hurt on that girl at the Amazonia!" Rayna said. "Is she okay?"

"Not too much damage besides the black eye," responded Lance, watching Rayna smile as her eyes moved all over his body.

"You must be rough," Rayna taunted and punched Lance firmly on his shoulder. There was a sting, but Lance wouldn't flinch.

"When it's needed."

Two more punches, harder this time time. "She broke your heart?"

Lance ignored the question. "Marc is right about you."

"What did that tanga say?"

Lance felt the fist hit his chest and he shifted backward slightly. Rayna's breathing quickened as she focused on the front of Lance's jeans.

"That you hit men who you want."

"Really?" she asked, uninterested. "Marc had a wife and kids! Do you have a wife and kids?"

Lance held up his bare fingers.

Rayna grinned slyly. "I could knock you out with...one punch!"

"Doubtful!" Lance stated.

"Not even with ten punches?!" The girl's swinging picked up the pace.

"God, Rayna, you are a beautiful women!"

"I don't kno..."



Rayna barely felt the sharp jab to her chin. She saw a spark of white light and nothing registered in her brain. Quiet moans escaped Rayna's lips as her body relaxed, her head tilting to the side. The same thrill that he had clobbering Cathy now swarmed through his body. Rayne drifted gently to the floor, chin just touching her chest. 

"A very beautiful woman," said Lance and walked away. 


Rayna's father taught her to box, along with her two younger sisters. It was his strong belief that his three daughters should be educated and be able to defend themselves. Unlike her siblings, Rayna inclined to numbers and and took seriously her training. 

Two years after graduating Blake Mitchell University with a marketing degree, Rayna landed a job at the Binary Biscuit Corp. and joined the Amazonia Boxing Club. The men her own age at both establishments bored Rayna and she replaced them with the more satisfactory thirty-five plus age group. In bed and in the ring, Rayna loved how these partners towered over and sexually dominated her. In the arms of the men who knocked her out, Rayna always felt safest.

The experience with Lance did not make feel secure. Coming around from the KO punch, she was confused about what happened and then very angry. Lance had left the slumbering Rayna sprawled on the floor, which was humiliating. What enraged Rayna was Lance knocking her out while she was occupied with wrapping him around her finger - which means she wasn't doing that at all.

When Rayna forcefully demanded at match at the Amazonia, Lance accepted happily. Getting sucker punched to Dreamland didn't teach her humility, he decided. Boxing an angry woman would be fun, they're sexy and they make mistakes.

People from work mingled with the regulars for Rayna and Lance's battle. Many women cheered Lance when he climbed into the ring and took his place in the corner. All this surprised Lance, because he had only slept with a few of these cheerleaders. 

An awed silence swept the audience when Rayna appeared. Even Lance, determined to put his challenger out for the count, was impressed with the transformation of the intelligent, smartly dressed co-worker into a stunning amazon

"Lance is toast!" one woman said to another, money moving between their hands.

At the bell, Rayna plunged forward moments before Lance, pressing her attack immediately. Lance stood his ground, counter punching and blocking. 

"Putting you back to sleep tonight, girl!" he told Rayna in one of their clinches. 

"Pakyu!" she spat back. Punches exploded again.

Rayna punched harder now, wanting Lance to feel endless pain and he accepted the beating, timing her swings until he saw an opening. A right slammed hard on Rayna's jaw. She staggered and her arms fell to her side. Darkness washed down on the amazon and Rayna dropped listlessly to the canvas.

Emma the Ref began the count, each number called out slowly to give Rayna a chance to recover. But she slumbered peacefully until the bell rang, terminating the round.




Rayna opened her eyes again to see Lance seated across the ring, which meant she was at least upright.

"How many Rayna, how many?"

The right hand of Desiree, her second, floated in her face, and Rayna answered correctly: "Two."

"Can she continue?"

Rayna focused on the source of the new voice, Emma the Ref.


"You were out cold, the bell saved you! Can you finish?"

"Second fucking time!" Rayna groaned to herself. "Yes!"

Across the ring, Lance knew the fight was going to continue.

Lance didn't expect Rayna to move so quickly and with such commitment as they battled through the following rounds. Getting knocked out should have taken the steam out of Rayna, but she fought precisely, her mind calculating how to hit Lance to wear him out.

The male fighter began to tire. As hard as he hit Rayna, he couldn't muster a second knockout punch. More than once Rayna noticed Lance was leaving his midsection exposed. At the next opportunity, Rayna struck.

Lance crouched forward and Rayna pasted his head twice. Pairs of right-left combinations jerked Lance's head sideways. Reality jumbled in on itself. Lance couldn't stop his eyes from closing and his final thoughts were of how long he stay suspended in mid air, even though the canvas had stopped him seconds earlier.

Then Lance slept through the the count, never hearing Rayna curse him until he saw the video of the match a week later.   



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