Mace and the Good Girls - Part 1


Mace Andrews was muscle for the Sisterhood of Evil, providing security for the all-female crime syndicate's operations. Mainly, he had to eliminate any disruptions by Justice Force to any of the Sisterhood's heists or thefts. Mace generally stayed in the shadows as the operations proceeded, in wait for the Good Girls to appear, as they always did.

During one heist, Mace spotted Scarlet Vixen of Justice Force confronting Dark Starling, a newbie thief assigned to steal advanced facial recognition technology from the Murasaki Electronics research facility. As Scarlet Vixen prattled on about the game being up and how all criminals must face justice, Mace silently crept up on the Good Girl, contemplating the best method for neutralizing the interloper.

Mace used his tranq pistol only if the target appeared bigger or stronger than himself. Otherwise, he was a firm believer in the neck chop, nerve pinch, and the right upper cut to the chin. 

Scarlet Vixen went completely stiff when the side of Mace's flat hand struck her lower neck. Her eyes widened as she followed the stars suddenly dancing around her head. Mace spun Scarlet Vixen to face him and slugged her midsection. The crime fighter cried "oohhhff!" in agony. A harsh right upper cut closed Scarlet Vixen's eyes and she collapsed over Mace's shoulder.

Dark Starling was euphoric to see a crime fighter taken out so rapidly. "Wow! She's stone cold out!"

"That's my job, Starling, protecting you!" Mace explained confidently, sending a shiver through Dark Starling as she followed Mace into a nearby executive locker room.

"Are you just going to leave her on the rub down table?"

"I'm going to tie her up while you finish downloading the information!"

"Can't I punch her?! Just once?"

"No!" insisted Mace. "We need to do our jobs."

"Fine!" huffed the rookie crook and returned to the lap top she was using.

As he bound Scarlet Vixen's wrists and ankles with plastic ties, Mace felt again the longing he had for Good Girls, a feeling he concealed from his associates. Scarlet Vixen's face was so innocent and vulnerable looking to Mace and he touched her chin tenderly. 

"We're done here!" Dark Starling announced, catching Mace in mid action.

"Excellent!" cried Mace, turning quickly from his slumbering angel. "I'll get the van!"

When Mace was outside, Dark Starling socked Scarlet Vixen hard on the chin. The crime fighter let out an audible groan and sank into deeper sleep.

"That's my man, bitch!" 

Mace and Dark Starling celebrated their accomplished mission with a champagne dinner at De Maupassant's in Manhattan and all-night love making at Mace's townhouse. This began an intense, four month long affair that halted four months later.

\"Yes, Dark Starling is pregnant." Sisterhood of Evil director Lady Raquel confirmed to Elivera, the organization's chief financial officer and head of human resources.

Elivera blurted, "What idiot..?"

"Mace Andrews." 

Raquel was upset at a few things. Dark Starling had demonstrated enormous potential for a career in crime, but had gone stupid for Mace's dick and thus would miss a year of important experience. The girl was lucky we have a generous maternity leave package, Raquel thought, grumpily.

Mace had abused one of the perks of freelancing with The Sisterhood: virtually unlimited sexual partners, women who would do anything he wanted. Along with many other operatives, Lady Raquel and Elivera had shared a bed with Mace. But now he'd had to take a walk in the rain without an umbrella! But just as she was recalling the deep pleasure Mace had given her, Lady Raquel conceived of a solution.

"I think we have a silver lining in this calamity!"

"What?" Elivera asked.

"If Mace could get one of our girls pregnant, think of what damage he could do to Justice Force?"

Elivera understood instantly. "We could take out a bunch of Justice Force agents and never get any of the blame!"

"Not even a bit of blame!" Lady Raquel continued. "And remember: inside every Good Girl is a slut struggling to put out!"

The senior executive villianesses laughed like maniacs.


Getting paid to get laid was a dream come true for Mace, so he accepted the assignment without hesitation, which Lady Raquel fully expected. The objectives were Justice Force operatives Ivy Wilson, Monica Williams, and Shu Chen.

"Be aware, Mace, that these three, according to intelligence reports, are a trio of agonophiles, they get very turned on by physical conflict. They will want to fight you even before they think of fucking you." Raquel explained.

"That's why I have to start at the Amazonia Boxing Club where they work out?"

"Exactly!" Lady Raquel felt even more assured about giving Mace this mission. "Start with the blonde!"

Ivy Wilson felt, despite contradictory evidence, that a Bad Boy could be reformed, using the right influence. Right out of the Justice Force Academy with a degree in criminal psychology, Ivy encountered cat burglar Marcus Apted and fell in love with the older man and his story about wanting to leave a life a crime behind him.

Through charm, outright lying, and delivering a continuous stream of powerful orgasms, Apted convinced Ivy to get him access to the Baronzini Family diamonds on display at the Metro Museum.

"Okay Marcus," chirped Ivy as she threw the last switch on the security board. "The alarms are off, you can.."

A heavy object struck the base of her skull and blackness coated everything.

Apted slipped the blackjack into his trouser pocket in time to catch the unconscious blonde in mid-descent to the floor. After collecting the loot, Apted placed a thorn less rose in the cleavage of the crime fighter and escaped.

"I have no direction in my life...I don't know where to go for help..." Mace confessed to Ivy on their third date. "I have done stuff I really shouldn't have..."

"That's terrible!" responded Ivy. "What was it?"

"Nothing really bad...I was dealing on the side for a group called the Sisterhood of Evil."

Ivy's eyes blazed. "For how long?"

"Two years...they sell weed to raise funds..."

Mace flashed an expression of puppy-like shame at Ivy, who felt her heart flutter and melt at once. He's so strong looking, Ivy decided.

"Hey, do you want to try boxing?" she asked on impulse. "It would be fun to do together!"

After a few moments a false hesitation, Mace accepted.

In the third round of their match, Mace realized how boxing gear magnified Ivy's beauty. Simple lust no longer fueled his sexual desire, but his Good Girl fetish was activated by Ivy's clear, bright blue eyes and the punching strength of her arms.

Ivy was a skilled boxer and enjoyed hitting the man she was steadily falling in love with. Their clinches lasted longer than normal, dragged on by the pair rubbing and nuzzling each other.

"God, I want to fuck you so bad!'  breathed Ivy deeply.

"Yeah?!" Mace replied, just as excited.

Ivy pulled out of Mace's arms. "We need to...!"

Mace pitched his fist upward, mercilessly pounding Ivy's chin.

The exploding super nova hurled Ivy backward, her eyes shut. The multicolored stars remained, falling with Ivy to the canvas. Except for a growing smile, Ivy was out cold.

They made love for the first time two nights later.


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