
The Cougar and the Cougler

                                                      Before their match even started, Henry daydreamed about fucking Donna. A similar thought, "Fuck me boy till scream stop!" rolled in the female boxer's mind. Both fighters wanted knock each other out. Henry had it bad for older women since he was nineteen, when he was seduced by his mother's best friend, Frieda. Without hesitation Henry accepted the challenge from Donna to a KOs only finish, private match at the Amazonia Boxing Club. The physical intimacy he had with Laura Frazier, a divorced forty-seven year old, and Laura's daughter, Samantha, was important to him. It was very important to the two women.  "Donna is after what is ours!" Laura told Samantha. "And that bitch can't have it!" At their insistence, mother and daughter were Henry's seconds for the bout. Emma the Ref went over the rules with both fighters and ordered them to touch gloves. "Ready to get KOed?" Donn

Cheetah Girl

  "You gone to dreamland?' The crime fighter Cheetah Girl groaned and sighed softly. She was about to tip over the edge into unconsciousness.  "This is over, Sleeping Beauty, all the pain will be gone very soon!" Professional cat burglar Marcus Apted was interrupted by Cheetah Girl as he removed cash and barer bonds from a wall safe at the Witold Family estate, an effort Apted did not appreciate. A short, but brutal fist fight erupted. Cheetah Girl quickly succumbed to Apted's physical domination. Alternating head shots and body blows left Cheetah Girl slumped on the couch, groggy, bruised, and bathed in pain. "Finish...knock me..." she whispered. "One more punch?" Cheetah Girl nodded.  "Okay, sweet dreams!"  Apted kissed the rookie crime fighter's cheek and, in the exact same spot, landed a right hook. Instant oblivion for Cheetah Girl. Cheetah Girl was aware she'd been knocked out cold and would sleep for some time. The fee

Mace and the Good Girls - Part 1

  Mace Andrews was muscle for the Sisterhood of Evil, providing security for the all-female crime syndicate's operations. Mainly, he had to eliminate any disruptions by Justice Force to any of the Sisterhood's heists or thefts. Mace generally stayed in the shadows as the operations proceeded, in wait for the Good Girls to appear, as they always did. During one heist, Mace spotted Scarlet Vixen of Justice Force confronting Dark Starling, a newbie thief assigned to steal advanced facial recognition technology from the Murasaki Electronics research facility. As Scarlet Vixen prattled on about the game being up and how all criminals must face justice, Mace silently crept up on the Good Girl, contemplating the best method for neutralizing the interloper. Mace used his tranq pistol only if the target appeared bigger or stronger than himself. Otherwise, he was a firm believer in the neck chop, nerve pinch, and the right upper cut to the chin.  Scarlet Vixen went completely stiff when

Janelle and Ron at the Beach

 Janelle moved her slender, toned body in the boxing ring like a lioness. The loose pony tail of black hair she wore when fighting at the Amazonia Boxing Club radiated determination and sex. Her vital, hazel-colored eyes stabbed Ron every time he watched Janelle working out in the Amazonia's main gym, leaving him wanting to fight and fuck her, in that order. Neither happened until July at the Club's members only week long vacation in Harvey Cedars, N.J. Mixed matches - bare knuckled, KO endings only - were traditionally held on Wednesday afternoons. Janelle had a nearly perfect record in bouts with men. Only one guy laid Janelle out, Jon Amur, in a match Ron witnessed. In the third round, Amur pinned Janelle in a corner and hammered head shots and body blows non-stop until finishing with an upper cut. Janelle never saw the orange with black stripes boxing glove fly up from Amur's waist, but she did see a fireworks display spiral her into utter sleep. Sex with Amur left Jane

As Many as It takes

  The two punches came from nowhere, painful but brief, and I was on the canvas. Eris was looking down at me, gloved hands resting at her sides, as she caught her breath. She was checking to see if I was getting back up. Nodding conclusively, Eris smiled warmly. "Okay, go to sleep!" The match was over and I was floating away from her lovely body and into blackness.   I came to seated on the folding chair in my corner. Eris appeared very worried until a smile moved across her face when she saw I was conscious.  "You were gone a few minutes!" Eris' voice was sweet and alluring. "Seeing stars?" "No." I answered. "Good. How many fingers?" I said two. "Excellent. This was just our first fight, we can have as many as it takes." That was the truth, as I discovered. Eris claimed to be in love with me or at least at the emotional stage just before it. I needed to push her to the final step. "It wouldn't feel right, you kno

Breaking the Spell on Karen

In her twenties, Karen moved between male and female partners regularly. Turning thirty, a switch was thrown in her brain and her relationships became long term. Karen became committed to whoever she was with for the duration. With the men she met at the Amazonia Boxing Club, romance bloomed after besting them in the ring. When Karen encountered Marc, she had already knocked out four men. Marc was different from the previous mates. He was tallish and solidly built, with thick black hair and and brown eyes Karen was unable not to look at. "Are we done?" Karen asked Marc, while deliberately punishing his midsection. They were mid way through round four and Marc felt himself sinking, groaning with each shot from the far stronger fighter. The upper cut left Marc's legs weak and he collapsed on the ropes. Karen stepped back. "Okay we are done!" she declared with genuine affection. She was already finding the bruised male particularly handsome. "Concentrate on my


  "Heard she's a hitter, two guys told me," Marc observed to his coworker, Lance. Both men were discussing a third associate, Rayna Boksingero. All three worked in the marketing department of the Binary Biscuit Corporation in Wayne, N.J.  Marc and Lance wanted to sleep with her, but Lance felt he had an advantage: Marc was married. And Lance didn't see this as a competition, there were plenty of women inside the workplace and out, a fact which they took advantage. Rayna having a fling with Lance would not involve adultery related guilt and retaliation.  "Oh, yeah?" replied Lance, watching Rayna discussing company news with another woman, a few feet away. Instantly, Lance envisioned Rayna in a matching black top and tight shorts, her well developed arms adorned in blue boxing gloves. He grinned. "Rayna better not try me. She might not like when I hit back." Lance was determined to get Rayna in bed and, like any male determined on having a particular